About us

Learn about our vision and history.

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Our journey


Our journey started i 2019. Founded by Thomas Høgenhaven and entrepreneurs from Aarstiderne. Collaboration with Aarstiderne.

Aarstiderne logo


Planetary founded with DKK 40m AUM. 1st portfolio investment.

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Investments in Re-zip, Aurion and Soilsense

Logos of 2021 investments


Investments in Bioomix and Fælleshaven

Logos of 2022 investments


New investor structure (K/S) Fund admin at Embankment. AuM growing to DKK 90m. Investments in Foodture and The Rock Flour Company

Logos of 2023 investments


AuM growing to DKK 120m. Investments in Novobiom and Nutrumami.

Logos of 2024 investments


In Planetary, we strive to be more than a siloed investment fund. We engage in conversations on the topics we care dearly about, through events, conferences, walks and talks, press content and social media. We work to nourish and contribute to the community around us, both physically and virtually. We believe that value alignment between investors, us as intermediaries, and our portfolio companies is essential to the success of our shared mission.

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The values and principles underlying Planetary is a north star in my portfolio. A humble honest and truly caring approach to investments. A direct contrast to the inflated and unmet promises of the ESG movement

Current investor

Evergreen structure with no carry

We believe an evergreen structure with no carry is the best way to ensure impact


Matching duration with planetary challenges

Most of the challenges our planet is facing are generational tasks and will not be solved within a 5 -or 10-year period. Capital devoted to these challenges must be patient and aligned with the issues. Nonetheless, we enable individual investors to exit after 5 years, even though the fund continues.


We believe an evergreen structure provides increased transparency and comfort for new investors as part of the portfolio is already known at the time of investment.

Knowledge circulation

Portfolio companies stay in the same portfolio for longer allowing better cross-pollination between different generations of startups.


Lack of alignment with the carry structure

We are for-profit. To have a positive impact our investments must be financially sound. Our primary motivation behind Planetary is to support businesses that fit within Planetary boundaries.

Avoiding unhealthy incentives

We believe a carry structure exacerbates the focus on financial return and volatile investments as this will increase the value of the carry. Such incentive is not congruent with regenerative principles.